
Monday, 22 February 2016

How to Measure Your SEO Performance | SEO Marathon Free Training

Measuring the performance of your content is essential to determining the success of your SEO efforts and to help guide your content strategy. By looking at how your content performs, you'll be able to understand what your visitors want and provide more of it to them in the future. When you evaluate your contents performance it's important to ask these questions; what content our visitors looking at? what's our most popular content? or are visitors engaged with our content? are visitors sharing our content with others? and is our content generating quality business results. If you haven't already you can install a free tool like Google analytics to collect data that you'll need to help you get the answers to these questions. If you're not familiar with Google analytics then check out Essential Training On Google Analytics, where you can learn all about the reports and features that we were about to discuss.

First figuring out what our customers are looking at can be measured by simple page views. And Google analytics, you can head over the content reports and you'll see a list of the most popular pages of your website for the date range are looking at. If you want to find out which for your most popular pages as landing pages or the first page of visitor sees when they come to your site you can head over to the landing pages report. If you're an advanced, user you can even use custom segments to look at only visits that came from organic search or even specific search engines.

And well it's good to know which pieces of content got the most page views, that doesn't tell us anything about how well the content was received. Writing content is easy but writing content that will provide value and leave an impression on your visitors is much more difficult, and that's where were interested in finding out about visitor engagement.  There are three metrics that can help you quickly tell how well visitors are engaging with your content; Pages per visit, Average time on site and Bounce rate.
Pages per visit, Average time on site and Bounce Rate

Visitors are considered more engaged the longer each of their visits to your website is, and this can be measured by both average time on site and the number of pages they view during their visit. The bounce rate is a measure of how often a visitor lands on your website and then leaves without seeing any other page of the site.  Generally speaking, the lower the bounce rate, the more your visitors were enticed by your content to dive deeper into your site.

Next, Lets look at whether or not our content is being shared online. Well, you can use a slew of social media tools to measure how often your tweets and posts and pluses and shares are re-shared throughout your social networks. Tools like Google analytics can also be configured to track interactions that are happening both on and off your site. Google analytics can track how many times people are clicking your social media sharing buttons were leaving comments on your blog. And it can even go out and find the public posts across a number of different social networks, that have been used to share content from your site.

Of course, the flip side of this is that when content is shared via social media the recipients of those tweets and post can come and visit your website. You can use campaigns tagging and Google analytic traffic sources reports, to see how many of your visits are coming from all of the sharing. Perhaps, the most important question of all is whether or not all of his content production is driving our business goals?

A properly configured web analytics tool is focused not just on counting pages but associating all of that data with business outcomes. Did the visitors who came to our site as a result of particular piece of content end up buying something? Calling us? Did they submit a lead form or download a white paper? Did they sign up for a product demonstration? Did they follow us on a social network? Or did they share content with others? Did they sign up for our newsletter? Each and every one of these goals has a real business value.

And by understanding what content drives these conversion actions. We can answer the biggest question of all, what did we get back for our investment in SEO. Whether you use Google analytics or any other analytics tool, monitoring and measuring the performance of your content will help you understand the value you’re creating and help you plan for and continually improve the content you'll be focusing on next

It Is Important To Know the Audience You Are Targeting Check Out My Post On Why Link Building is an Important Aspect of SEO


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