
Monday, 30 November 2015

Defining Your Target Audience | SEO Marathon Free Training

Defining-Your-Target-Audience  Understanding and defining your target audience is the first step to writing content for them. Attracting just anyone to your website it isn’t so hard, it's attracting the right kind of people and offering the right topics in the right tone and style that's a challenge. A good way to start is to simply ask the question who are the people that we want visiting our site? And what roles would they play in our organization? From here, we can go through the exercise of understanding how they're using online channels and where we might be able to measure or engage them.

A great tool to start off with is the Forrester Technographic Profile Tool, this tool can help provide insight into how your end consumers uses different technologies today. For example, if we were targeting a group of US males between the ages of 45 and 54 we can see that the majority of them are what we call Spectators. This means that they often spend their time on blogs, videos, podcasts, forums, and reviews, but their reading and not necessarily contributing. Knowing this, we might tailor content of these formats and we know will need to work harder to get any user generated content from these folks.

Defining and Understanding Your Audience Forrester Technographic Tool Between Age 45-54

Forrester Technographic Profile Tool Age 45-54

Once we know what kind of content our target audiences consuming and we've identified who they are, we would need to dive in and look at our topics. Ultimately, users retyping keywords in the search engines and keywords remain the core and foundation of SEO. So when it comes to choosing topics will want to tie them to the keywords we have chosen based on relevance, search volume, and competition during our keyword research process.

You also want to look at tools like Google insights for search to monitor industry trends and understand what's popular among your target audience and what's being searched for and discussed. Matching your topics to what's popular and being searched for the maximize the size of the potential audience at your catering to.

Next, you can employ the concept of filling in the gaps, how would it be good that someone else already wrote something about your topic. And the last thing the Internet needs is more pages talking about the same old thing. Instead, figure out what's missing out there and fill in those holes. Monitor what your competitors are writing about, but more importantly monitor what they're not writing about. These are great opportunities for you to offer unique perspectives and even more value.

Once we identify who were writing for and what we are writing about, the last thing we need to do is define our content angles. This is really nothing more than the approach to writing your content and it should be consistent and appropriate to the audience that you are speaking to. Are you writing technical articles for rocket scientist to read or lighthearted commentaries on the state of the entertainment industry. They're very different tones for each and above all remember that while were doing all this to support our business objectives and ultimately some kind of sales no one wants to read a blatant sales pages.
We need to offer up something of real value content that's compelling and useful to the reader. When you're deciding how to angle and position your content, you want to consider a couple more areas of importance. 

First be original whatever you write take the time to make sure that it's unique and that it comes from your own voice. You want to bring something new to the table that will excite your readers that they can't find anywhere else. whether you decide to be humorous or put a creative twist to your content, it needs to keep them engaged or even entertain from beginning to end. When they're done reading it they should be thinking I now know something interesting that I didn't know before or even better they will be thinking I need to share that with my friends. 

From a formal perspective you want to think about the style of content that you putting together. When you will be writing a blog post or informative style articles, are you taking a comparative style where you contrast Product A with Product B. What about discussing it before and after scenario or a how to walk through and remember that content isn't just text, Pictures are worth 1000 words and you can even use video to capture sights and sounds to convey complex concepts or to make something more tangible to a user.

By understanding who you writing for, what you're writing about, and what style you writing in you'll be cementing the foundations of thoughtful, unique, and relevant content that will WOW! both human readers and search engines alike

It Is Important To Know Where Content ideas Comes From. Check Out My Post On Ideas For Content


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