
Thursday, 30 July 2015

On-page Optimization of Textual Element | SEO Marathon Free Training

SEO On-page Optimization of Text Element Provided by Savacorn HomeThe main goal of a search engine is to guide people to content that is relevant to a certain keyword or phrase that they searched for. We can fine-tune the relevance of your page for certain topic in the process of On-page optimization. Let’s take a look at the page on “How to do keyword research”. This page focused on Text optimization of this free SEO training program. Let's imagine that through our keyword research we decided that we wanted to optimize this page for the phrase “How to do keyword research”. let work through how we might optimize the different elements on this page for that particular search term.   

  1. Optimizing Your URL

The first elements were going to optimize is the URL. The URL is the location of the page we are looking at and you can find it up there in the address bar. You can think of it almost like a file on your computer. And much like a path through any file on your computer, we can follow some simple guidelines that allow us to create a good URL can be found and understood quickly.

The URL length should be concise as reasonably possible. but at the same time, it needs to contain some usable information about the page itself. You might find that your website structure uses a system of subfolders and this can be good and then it helps with site structure.

Perhaps most importantly you want to make sure that the keyword phrase you are targeting is found in the URL. Here we can pick up Individual words such as ‘’KEYWORD RESEARCH, How to do keyword research which is certainly helpful. But if we are targeting this page for “How To Do Your Keyword Research we can probably tighten that up a bit. Let’s go ahead to change this page name to “How To Do Your Keyword Research.html”  Of course, we have to actually update this filename on your server and update the navigation that points to it. But this is sure, it’s very descriptive to the position of the page and it matches the keyword phrase that were targeting. Also notice how we use hyphens instead of spacing or underscores in the URL. This is important and it helps the search engines to break up words properly.  

  1. Meta-Title Tag

The Next element we are looking at is the meta-title tag. And here we are going to the source code of the page. if you're a programmer you will be right at home here and if you're not, follow the steps used in optimizing this page. So that when it comes to time to implementing these items on your own website. This pages title tag is pretty generic and it doesn’t give the search engine any indication that this page is about our target keyword phrase.

Let’s go ahead and change it to “How to do keyword research”. We are keeping it very short, very descriptive and much targeted to the phrase want to rank for. Notice that we didn’t use the keyword phrase by its self or just repeated over and over and included /How-to-do-your-keyword-research.html at the end the reason for this, is that the meta-title tag is also the title that used for the pages search engine result listing. Not only are we trying to optimize the title so that search engines identify the theme of our page but also trying to entice users to click on it when they see it in the search results. In this example we believe that mentioning the website name might reinforce the context of where this page words and help convince people to click our result over others. But don’t make the title too long or detract too much from your target keyword phrase. A good rule of thumb is to try to stay under 65 characters.

  1. Meta Description

Another meta tag to configure is the meta-description. Although optimizing this tag will not improve your search engine rankings and it is largely ignored by all the major search engines in their ranking algorithms. It can improve your search engine results click through rate. This is because this tag is often used as the text that shows up under the title of a listing under the search results. You will want to spend some time writing compelling text that will lead people to click on your site. and using keywords in your description will help reassure users that this is exactly what they're looking for.

  1. Optimizing H1 Header-Tag

Next, let take a look at the H1 Header-tag. This is typical of the markup used for the main visible headline of your page and search engines know this. The purpose of using it to give the reader a clear idea of what the content below is about. Just like the newspaper headline does.

The previous header tag Keyword Research Is not very descriptive or specific to our target keyword phrase. We have to read through the text to realize that this is actually a general subject, but most people wouldn’t stick around long enough to do that. And think about how confusing it must be to a search engine. Well that might be important information to include later in the content it’s probably a waste of the header. So let's try to improve this element How to do keyword research  provided by Savacorn Home, Not only clarifies the message but also works in our target keyword phrase. There are no defined character limits to the headlines, but much like the news world, it’s preferably to be more concise.

Now at this point that you are a search engine seeing a URL and title the headline that all talking explicitly about How to do keyword research and are starting to get a pretty good idea about what that page is all about. Now we have the content itself. The most important thing about your content is that it needs to be optimized for people first and search engine second.

Make sure your content is written so that communicates to your target audience in a way that's really engaging. As far as the search engines go there is no magic formula for the perfect page, but what you want to remember is that search engines are trying to emulate a human being reading something and then figuring out what it's all about.

Search engines are looking only for your target keyword, but also for variations of that keyword. It just makes sense that a piece of content about How to do keyword researchwords like Keywords Research, Keywords Tools and Keyword Density will pop up here and there. Different words others are also likely to be part of the narrative. And if you are search engine you probably wouldn't be surprised if words like keyword, density, research and tools are up in there as well.

Search engines can get very sophisticated trying to map the semantic and thematic relationships between words on a page which is exactly what we as humans do. So ultimately writing the way you will write for human is the best way to optimize for these algorithms. Well there are no hard and fast rules that might be use a general rule of thumb of including your target phase 1 to 3 times in the text. Depending on length of your content

Don't over think it and don't overdo it


Well there are many more on the page that can be optimize, focusing on your URL, Tittle, Descriptions, Headers and Body text will take care of your On-Page Textual Optimization.

To Learn How To Optimize Non Textual Content Click Here


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